Nordic News
Spring/Summer Edition - 2023
Welcome to the Spring/Summer 2023 edition of Nordic News! Nordic News is a quarterly newsletter to keep all our families informed as to what’s going on in the world of Nordic Soccer including updates from our Directors - Cait, Craig and Jim.
Nordic 2023-24 Season Tryouts
Tryouts for the 2023-24 season with Nordic Soccer Club are upon us, and will be taking place the week of June 26th. All tryouts will be at the Tree Farm. Each age group has 2 nights of tryouts. See all the information here, and make sure to get registered to secure your spot!
Nordic Cup 2023 - That’s a Wrap!

Months of planning and our biggest event of the year. The weather on Saturday was, to say the least, challenging (as was the parking at the Tree Farm). Then on Saturday at 7pm we learn that we have lost all 3 fields at CVU for all of Sunday - ouch! By 10pm we had found a new venue (Burlington HS - TY Marcel) and all our CVU games had been moved to BHS and other venues.
The weather improved on Sunday and we were able to successfully complete Nordic Cup ‘23 - our 25th Anniversary.
2023 Summer Camps and Programs
We are offering SIX Summer Camps and Programs for Summer 2023. Make sure to get registered NOW as spaces are filling up fast!
There will be three 3-4 day camps, as well as a summer long Middle School/High School/College Preseason Prep program all hosted by Nordic staff. We also have two ‘International’ camps, hosted by English Premier League club Wolves, as well as Leyton Orient, one of England’s most storied and historical clubs. An experience you won’t get anywhere else!
Nordic Went Abroad!
We had SEVEN of our teams travel overseas to Europe over April break. Our 2009B, 2006-07B, 2006G and 2004-05G went to England, the 2008-09G and 2007G went to Germany, and the 2008B went to Italy!
All teams had amazing trips, and had the experience of a lifetime. Having the opportunity not only to travel, but to play soccer abroad is unique and a memory that they will cherish forever. As the saying goes, ‘if you want to travel far, travel together!’
Head over to our social media pages to see some great photos and videos of all of the teams on their trips.
Nordic 2013-14B - Champions!
On the weekend of April 22nd/23rd, we had two of our 2013-14B travel down to Albany, NY to compete in the Empire Cup.
Nordic 2013-14B Arsenal had a thrilling 2-1 win in the final over Syracuse Development Academy, giving up their first goal of the tournament in the very last minute.
Nordic 2013-14B Newcastle also had a great weekend, winning 4-2 over the Latham Circle Saints in the consolation match for 3rd place.
2023 VSL Spring Season
The opening weekend for the 2023 VSL Spring Season was Saturday, May 6th. We played our final game last evening, Tuesday, June 20th. With 24 teams in the league, we played over 200 games this season - not including tournaments! Each weekend provided our players the opportunity to compete and showcase their abilities week-to-week.
Game photos are posted each week on our social media pages, and you can view results and final league positions at this link: Click Here!
Lions Cup Twin State Representation
Round of applause for Emma Grasso (2004-05G) and Corbin Schreindorfer (2004-05B) on their selection to the Girls and Boys Lions Cup Twin State Soccer rosters.
The games put the best recently-graduated soccer players from Vermont and neighboring New Hampshire against each other. This annual tradition will take place on Saturday, July 15th at Hanover High School in New Hampshire with the girls playing at 1:00pm, and the boys following at 4:00pm!
Nordic Annual BBQ
On Thursday, May 18th we held our annual Nordic BBQ at Tree Farm. This is one of the best days of the year, where each and every Nordic team gets together and enjoys burgers, hot dogs, and ice cream together!
Nordic Annual Golf Tournament
On Friday, May 19th we had a successful turnout for our Annual Nordic Golf Tournament. This year, it was held at Cedar Knoll Country Club in Hinesburg, VT.
Great weather and a great group of people got together for a fun day of golf, and all the proceeds went to the Nordic Scholarship Fund.
The Nordic Scholarship Fund grants families access to our programming who may not otherwise be able to afford it. We strive to ensure that players have access to the game they love, regardless of finances. Our scholarship fund—boosted by personal donations and events such as this—helps make this possible.
Another College Commit!
Congrats to our 2004-05B, David Mutar on his commitment to play at Rivier University this upcoming fall!
The Raiders play in the Great Northeast Atlantic Conference (GNAC), and are based out of Nashua, NH. Don’t forget to mark down on your calendars when Mutar will be back in town, playing against conference rivals, Norwich University!
Director Update
By Jim Goudie
Nordic Cup, Nordic Cup, Nordic Cup! What a crazy busy Spring season!
Mid-April was our closing at NISC after a very successful winter season followed very quickly by 7 our teams heading overseas for their long overdue trips. I was fortunate enough to travel to England with our 2009 Premier Boys trip for 9 days and even though this was my 8th trip with Nordic teams overseas, I continue to believe that these trips will leave lifelong memories with players and parents. I still see our Alumni who bring up their trips and how much fun they were.
From Women's Champion League semifinals between Barcelona and Chelsea to FA Cup semi finals at Wembley between Manchester City and Sheffield United to the most priceless of all visits to Molineux the home of my beloved mighty Wolves - what more can one ask for?
After that we were full steam ahead with our Nordic Cup planning. Our Nordic Cup organizing committee of Debbie Knakal, Cait and myself were full steam ahead with arranging venues, schedules (for games and volunteers) and merchandise - the list goes on. All this whilst continuing with our regular spring season VSL games, Needham and Wellesley tournaments, VSA Spring Jamboree and the return of our Annual Golf Tournament at Cedar Knoll.
Then, Nordic Cup '23 happens - months of planning and our biggest event of the year. The weather on Saturday was (to say the least) challenging (as was the parking at the Tree Farm). Then on Saturday at 7pm we learn that we have lost all 3 fields at CVU for all of Sunday - ouch! By 10pm we had found a new venue (Burlington HS - TY Marcel) and all our CVU games had been moved to BHS and other venues. The weather improved on Sunday and we were able to successfully complete Nordic Cup' 23 - our 25th Anniversary.
MANY, MANY thanks to all Nordic parents that helped out this weekend. Nordic Cup is our biggest fundraiser and without your help we could not pull this tournament off. I was at the Tree Farm and our parent volunteers were brilliant with field marshaling, merchandise sales and parking. Talking to our site coordinators at our other 4 locations was the same message from them. Thank-you VERY much to you all.
My biggest observation from the weekend was how well our players, coaches and parents represented the club both on and off the field. I'm sure a few of us have some "stories" from this weekend, but all of my observations of the Nordic teams were very positive- so well done and again, thank-you!
Crazy to think, but next week starts off our 2023-24 season with tryouts and the start of our Summer Camps program - here we go again!
Director of Programming Update
By Coach Stone
Spring Has Come, and Gone.
Hello Nordic Families.
Our Spring season is a wrap! And what a great event to close our season, at Nordic Cup 2023.
Despite the weather (or perhaps because of it?) I really enjoyed watching our teams at the event. Wins are great (and we had plenty of them), but the performances are key. We aim to create teams that compete with an even temperament and honor their values on and off the pitch. I saw tons of this at the Nordic Cup, as well as throughout our Vermont soccer season. Parents and players deserve a ton of credit. Our coaching staff are to be commended.
It never fails to amaze me how quickly the outdoor soccer season goes; I remind myself often to make the most of every session, game, and parent/player interaction because, come June 20ish, the season ends and we head into Summer. Believe me, I love those first few days when I’m actually home for dinner two days in succession, but that fades fast and before long I’m counting the days to our next training session, coaches meet up, and seeing the players on a regular basis.
I could easily list our on-the-field achievements for the VSL season, Memorial Day events and Nordic Cup; ditto the players we’ve had recruited to college programs etc., (and I will, I promise at some point!) Winning is important, and we’d be foolish to think the players don’t buy into this. But our most important metric is our membership, and I’m happy to report that membership at the club is healthier than it has been for many years. We serve over 350 players. That’s all down to the relationships between the staff, the players, and the parents.
We cannot promise wins, we cannot promise college scholarships, and we cannot promise greatness. What we can promise is a great experience. I believe firmly that a byproduct of this positive experience is an increase in player motivation, and this in turn brings success at an individual and team level.
Nordic is not the best because it is the biggest; Nordic is the biggest because it is the best.
Long may this continue.
GO Nordic, and above all, thank you.
Coach Stone
(703) 624-6734
Director of Operations Update
By Cait Fogel
I hope everyone is doing well and getting excited for summer! I know I am, especially with all of our fantastic summer camps and programs that we will be hosting. We have two camps being hosted by two professional clubs visiting us from England, and a summer-long preseason program for middle schoolers, high schoolers, and college players.
Giving a quick update on NISC from this past season, it was fantastic. On Wednesday, April 19th we rolled up the carpet at NISC and closed down for the 2022-23 indoor season. Our club is lucky to have the facilities to train year round, allowing for our players to learn and grow for the entirety of the year. This past winter, we added around 40 teams to our indoor leagues, several new rentals, had school break camps, and held a holiday tournament! Overall, the 2022-23 indoor season at NISC was a SUCCESS, and we are already looking forward to opening next October!
I hope you all follow us on social media, if not, go click that “follow” button now to stay updated. We update all of our followers on our latest news, player/team successes, and all of the fun in between. We have recently hired a photographer that works with the Vermont Green to come and photograph a few of our training sessions, as well as some games, so be on the lookout for those great photos!
Nordic Cup 2023 was a success! Jim touched more on this, but overall it was a fantastic tournament. Big thank you to all of the parents who volunteered their time this week. We mean it when we say that Nordic Cup would literally not run without you - so THANK YOU! It was awesome meeting a bunch of you face to face, getting a laugh in, and just enjoying the weekend surrounded by a bit of chaos - that’s what makes Nordic Cup so beautiful. Cheers to an even better Nordic Cup 2024!
If you did not know, I am the head coach of both the 2011-12G and the 2004-05G. My 2011-12G traveled to Seacoast back in March, and went 1-1-1 against strong competition. In April, the 2004-05G traveled to Albany, NY for the CDYSL Empire Cup, sadly losing 1-0 in the final. We then took off for England a week after, and had an amazing trip with parents and players. VSL started right when we returned for both the 2011-12G and the 2004-05G. In the middle of that, we traveled to the Needham Memorial Day tournament, where the 2004-05G advanced to the final on Monday, but unfortunately fell to a strong opponent in the final. Both teams have had competitive matches throughout the VSL spring season, and ended the season well during Nordic Cup. We had half of the 2004-05G head down to Mad Dog Mania, winning all four games and showcasing themselves well to hopefully open some college doors. My 2011-12G will wrap up their season at the Seaside Classic in Rhode Island during July!
Nordic Soccer Club
105 Pearl Street, Essex Junction, VT 05452